
6 rows where Hectare Squirrel Number = 5, Kuks = 1 and Location = "Ground Plane" sorted by Specific Location

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Suggested facets: Shift, Age, Highlight Fur Color, Combination of Primary and Highlight Color, Running, Chasing, Climbing, Foraging, Quaas, Tail flags, Tail twitches, Approaches, Runs from


  • Ground Plane · 6

Hectare Squirrel Number

Link rowid longitude latitude Unique Squirrel ID Hectare Shift Date Hectare Squirrel Number Age Primary Fur Color Highlight Fur Color Combination of Primary and Highlight Color Color notes Location Above Ground Sighter Measurement Specific Location ▼ Running Chasing Climbing Eating Foraging Other Activities Kuks Quaas Moans Tail flags Tail twitches Approaches Indifferent Runs from Other Interactions Lat/Long
101 -73.9544007658685 40.7950689723135 38F-PM-1013-05 38F PM 10132018 5 Juvenile Gray Cinnamon Gray+Cinnamon   Ground Plane FALSE   0 0 0 0 1 being chased,was pushed by other squirrel 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   POINT (-73.9544007658685 40.7950689723135)
471 -73.97072153948871 40.7727508149058 10G-AM-1006-05 10G AM 10062018 5 Adult Gray   Gray+   Ground Plane FALSE   0 1 0 0 0 chasing (#6) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   POINT (-73.9707215394887 40.7727508149058)
1366 -73.97115821991021 40.7783674409485 15C-PM-1017-05 15C PM 10172018 5 Adult Gray Cinnamon Gray+Cinnamon   Ground Plane FALSE   1 0 0 0 1   1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0   POINT (-73.9711582199102 40.7783674409485)
2176 -73.9583201789615 40.7913938722521 33F-PM-1012-05 33F PM 10122018 5 Adult Gray Black, Cinnamon, White Gray+Black, Cinnamon, White   Ground Plane FALSE   1 0 0 0 1   1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1   POINT (-73.95832017896151 40.7913938722521)
2733 -73.9690082314914 40.7738993942891 12G-AM-1012-05 12G AM 10122018 5 Adult Gray Cinnamon, White Gray+Cinnamon, White   Ground Plane FALSE   0 1 0 0 0   1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1   POINT (-73.9690082314914 40.7738993942891)
2820 -73.9615926031253 40.7944223235385 35B-PM-1013-05 35B PM 10132018 5 Adult Gray   Gray+   Ground Plane FALSE   1 0 1 0 0 chased by dog #2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 runs from (dog) POINT (-73.96159260312531 40.7944223235385)

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "2018_Central_Park_Squirrel_Census_-_Squirrel_Data" (
"longitude" REAL,
  "latitude" REAL,
  "Unique Squirrel ID" TEXT,
  "Hectare" TEXT,
  "Shift" TEXT,
  "Date" INTEGER,
  "Hectare Squirrel Number" INTEGER,
  "Age" TEXT,
  "Primary Fur Color" TEXT,
  "Highlight Fur Color" TEXT,
  "Combination of Primary and Highlight Color" TEXT,
  "Color notes" TEXT,
  "Location" TEXT,
  "Above Ground Sighter Measurement" TEXT,
  "Specific Location" TEXT,
  "Running" INTEGER,
  "Chasing" INTEGER,
  "Climbing" INTEGER,
  "Eating" INTEGER,
  "Foraging" INTEGER,
  "Other Activities" TEXT,
  "Kuks" INTEGER,
  "Quaas" INTEGER,
  "Moans" INTEGER,
  "Tail flags" INTEGER,
  "Tail twitches" INTEGER,
  "Approaches" INTEGER,
  "Indifferent" INTEGER,
  "Runs from" INTEGER,
  "Other Interactions" TEXT,
  "Lat/Long" TEXT
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